And So It Begins....

Howdy there world...I'm using this blog to help inspire myself. My life is now ocassionally blessing me with moments of silence. With the rarity of this phenomenon, I've decided I need a kick in the keester to buck up and use this time wisely. I've longed for days filled with color and mess, where I could participate in the creation and not just the cleaning. So here it challenge to myself is to use this time to create a new piece of art each week for the next six months. This blog will hopefully help keep me honest and on track. I will post each week my new piece and it's inspirations, giving one painting away a month to someone who sends me a comment. I hope you can enjoy these pieces as I enjoy the journey.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Smell Your Own Roses ($300 framed) 25x39

So this piece is not new, I completed her several years ago.  She has moved from family room to dining room and currently resides in my bedroom.  Though I have grown to love her, her scent has faded and I'm craving a new one.  Therefore with small regret and excitement I'm selling her out.  She comes loved, framed and with high hopes....(and with some couches if your interested...)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Who Wants Some Kool Aid?

As you can see...I have not been faithful to my painting a week goal.  As summer has drifted on I find that I am much happier baking in the sun than hiding in my basement with paintbrush in tow.  So I have decided to take the summer off... to enjoy my kids, my almost tan and my sanity from sunshine.  I have a few pieces in the works... if there is one thing this summer has been full of, that would be inspiration.  This piece or I guess these pieces were inspired by the search for Jr High shoes for my 8th grade Beetle Bug.  I get it Jr High... wardrobe emphasis... however age has brought on better financial discretion on my behalf.  With a panic attack lingering in the shadows, I bought the $85.00 ruby red Toms for my Bug, thank you Nordstroms. I then drifted upon Rue 21 $11.99 knock offs.  WHAT!? No my purchase won't contribute to the humanitarian needs of this world but it sure as hell will save me $73.01.  I figured with a little personal touch we could whip these puppies into something...and here they are.  And as for my daughter, she's as pleased at punch (fruit punch with fresh lemons and oranges in it, delicious).